6205469009_9fae4e68b4_bUNESCO, üks olulistest organisatsioonidest rahvusvahelises dopinguvastases võitluses, on välja kuulutanud fotokonkursi spordiväärtuste teemal.

Allpool on toodud konkursi ingliskeelne üleskutse.


We are pleased to inform you that UNESCO is organizing a Photo Contest on the power of sport values.


Sport values such as fairness, equity, respect, or inclusion, can equip young people with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle 21st century challenges. Engagement in targeted sport values education programmes contributes to the development of self-confidence, healthy lifestyle choices, life skills, and an understanding of rights.


Are you interested in participating?


Participants are invited to send one photo (by email to: sportvalues@unesco.org) which captures the power of sport values and their impact on young people within their community, along with a testimony (150-200 words). Selected photos will be published in a UNESCO photo book on sport values and exhibited at the Organization’s Headquarters. Contest winners will also win a DSLR Camera.


The deadline for submission is Thursday 3 December 2015.


More details concerning the contest and prizes HERE.